About me

Hey there, I'm Lucas Machado👋! I'm a software engineer and enthusiast, passionate about distributed systems and all the cool stuff that comes with them🤘! Currently, I'm working as Engineer Lead at wefox, we're building an amazing platform and shifting the insurance industry all over Europe.

Over the years, I've gained extensive experience as a software engineer and engineering lead. I've shipped entire products from scractch, scaled-up existing ones and even saved some others. Delivering impact is what drives me most, and making people's lives better through software fascinates me.

I consider myself lucky because I've always been surrounded by amazing engineers and leaders. From the very beginning of my career, I've been able to learn from some of the best in the industry, and I'm constantly pushing myself to improve and grow as a professional.

If you're interested in learning more about my career and background, feel free to check out my linkedin 😉.

About this website

Welcome! Whether you stumbled upon this website by chance or intentionally, I'm glad you are here.

This website is my small corner of the web for sharing thoughts, experiences, and insights with the world. Hope you find it informative and engaging! Feel free to check out my latest articles.

A bit more about me

I was born and raised in the northeast of Brazil, a place with a unique culture and vibrant people called São Luís. Currently, I'm living in Barcelona, Spain, which has been an amazing city to explore and call home. If you happen to be in town, let me know, and let's grab a coffee

I love Physics, Mathematics, and Computer Science, and I'm fascinated by the way they shape our understanding of the world. At one point during my university years, I was drawn to the field of theoretical physics and even participated in several research programs related to astrophysics out of sheer curiosity. I also love learning about History, as it helps me understand how we got to where we are today and where we can be in the future.

In my free time, I enjoy being engaged into software-related content such as books and articles, as well as socializing over coffee with friends or exploring the environment outdoors. And from time to time, I get fully immersed in a random hobby or activity like playing flamenco guitar, rollerblading, cycling, weightlifting and goes on...

I believe empathy is the key to unlock a better world.

What people have to say about me

Finally, here are a few lovely words that great people have shared about me in public: